Book Adornments Blog

Book Adornments Blog

  • Question #3

    The specific technique that I used to improve my Readability is that I better used the F-Pattern. I believe using this technique was effective in improving the readability of my revised version because: The most challenging aspect of applying the F-Pattern and Plain Language Writing Principles were:


  • Question #2

    We Are THAT Cozy Home for Book Lovers and Readers! Who We Are: Welcome to Book Adornments! Book Adornments is your online store that specializes in producing unique book accessories and book-related products. Our Products: At Book Adornments, we offer a wide range of book products: Our Mission: Where You Can Find Us: Why Our…


  • Question #1

    1. We spoke about Plain English writing in class. Please answer the following in detail:  If I were to explain to someone what plain English writing is, I would describe it as: Some things that make Plain English Writing Different are: Plain English Writing for the Web is: [i] Briscoe, Plain Language Writing, February 26,…


  • Part B – Question 3

    As discussed in class, I believe that headlines are so important in web content because: A headline that I clicked on recently was one on the Windsor Star website and the headline wrote, “Crime crackdown – Windsor police make 14 arrests in troubled neighbourhoods”[i] I clicked on this headline because: Made Me Curious: As stated,…


  • Part A – Question 1

    Part “A” Deliverables – You will complete the following: The Initial Prompt I started with: Generate a Digital content headline about the St. Clair College Advertising Program, targeting local graduating high school students in Windsor, Ontario. Use 10 words or less and numbers. Make sure that the headlines spark curiosity. Reasons Why I Created This…


  • Part A – Question 2

    Headline #1: 5 Reasons St. Clair College Advertising Program is Your Future! Headline #2: Launch Your Ad Career at St. Clair! Apply Now for 2025! Headline #3: Dream in Ads? St. Clair Can Make It Real – Apply Today!


  • Part A – Question 3

    Headline #1: 5 Reasons St. Clair College Advertising Program is Your Future! (Overview): Headline #2: Launch Your Ad Career At St. Clair! Apply Now For 2025! (Overview): Headline #3: Dream in Ads? St Clair Can Make It Real – Apply Now! (Overview): It Promises Something: While analyzing this headline, something that I noticed is that…


  • Part A – Question 4

    Based on my class knowledge, the best prompt I would select to use is the third (Prompt#3) prompt, “Generate a digital content headline with a Call-to-Action for the St. Clair College Advertising program, targeting local graduating high school students in Windsor, Ontario. Use 60 characters or less and evoke curiosity and interest” because: The “best”…


  • Part B – Question 2

    As per the headline in Question #1, the headline was representative of the article because: