Book Adornments Blog

Part A – Question 4

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  1. After evaluating all of the prompts and the headlines produced, you are to select what you think (based on your class knowledge only) is:
    1. The “best” prompt you would select to use. Provide an overview and explanation on why this is the best prompt based on course content. (3 Marks)

Based on my class knowledge, the best prompt I would select to use is the third (Prompt#3) prompt, “Generate a digital content headline with a Call-to-Action for the St. Clair College Advertising program, targeting local graduating high school students in Windsor, Ontario. Use 60 characters or less and evoke curiosity and interest” because:

  • It’s Specific: One reason why I believe this is the best prompt based on what was discussed in class is that compared to the other prompts, it is more specific. This prompt, unlike the other prompts, uses a call to action; it’s calling the reader to take an action, which is why this prompt is the one that I would select to use.
  • Uses The Context of What I Wanted: Another reason why I believe this is the best prompt based on what was discussed in class is that it uses the context of what I wanted to generate. For example, in this prompt, I instructed ChatGPT to generate a headline for the St. Clair College Advertising Program and that I wanted the headline to be tailored in a way that would be more appealing for local graduating high school students since that is the audience that the headline would be targeting.
  • The “best” headline you would select to use. Provide an overview and explanation on why this is the best headline based on course content.  (3 Marks)

The “best” headline I would select to use is the third headline, “Dream in Ads? St Clair Can Make It Real – Apply Now!” because:

  • It Calls for Attention: One reason I would select this headline is because it calls for attention. First, it grabs the reader’s attention with a question in a unique way. Instead of just asking “Dreaming of an advertising career?” it instead asks “Dream in Ads?” which makes it much more interesting because it shows creativity. A big part of St. Clair’s Advertising program is its creativity, so this headline, being written in a creative way like that, really aligns with the Advertising program’s values.

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