- As discussed in class, why do you feel Headlines are so important in web content? Please provide me with an example of a headline you clicked on recently (submit the exact headline including a screenshot) and outline in detail why you clicked it. In question #1, I asked why it resonated with you. For this question, I am asking why you actually clicked on it. This cannot be the same headline as question #1 (8 Marks)
As discussed in class, I believe that headlines are so important in web content because:
- They Help Attract Attention: Headlines are great ways to help attention, whether it be to draw more attention to your website or to a specific product you are trying to promote. Headlines can play a very positive role in drawing the attention of readers and getting them to engage. I believe this to be important because no matter how great your content is, if you don’t have something that stands out from your competitors, then the chances of people seeing your content are far less. In that case, headlines are great ways to draw attention to your content and let them see it.
- They Can Be Used Across Different Platforms: Another reason why I feel like headlines are important is that you can use them across different platforms. As discussed in class. You can tailor headlines for different platforms. For example, you can create a headline that best aligns with your audience on Instagram, but then alter it so that you can also use it on Facebook as well. While the messaging could be the same, they could just be written differently. Due to this, I find this capability of headlines to be very important because they allow you a lot of room to expand.
- They Are Specific: Headlines are very specific, which is another reason why I believe they are important in web content. Headlines primarily focus on one thing, which can be really helpful, especially when using them for SEO, because you can use them to guide people toward your page. Additionally, headlines being specific is also important for web content because it also helps people have a clearer and better understanding of the headline.
A headline that I clicked on recently was one on the Windsor Star website and the headline wrote, “Crime crackdown – Windsor police make 14 arrests in troubled neighbourhoods”[i]

I clicked on this headline because:
- It Was The Largest Headline: One reason why I clicked on this headline is that it was the largest one on the screen and was immediately the most noticeable one as well. The fact that it used a large font and had a large image under it drew my attention and curiosity.
Made Me Curious: As stated, before I clicked up this headline because it made me curious. In the headline, part of it wrote “14 arrests in troubled neighbourhood”, but it didn’t specify which neighbourhood that was. I felt more inclined to click on this headline because of this. I felt like I needed to know what neighbourhood all these arrests had taken. Overall, one other reason why I clicked on this headline is that it raised my curiosity.
[i] Crime crackdown — Windsor police make 14 arrests in troubled neighbourhood. (2025, February 25). Windsorstar. https://windsorstar.com/news/local-news/improving-quality-of-life-windsor-police-arrest-14-in-latest-crackdown-in-troubled-neighbourhood
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