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Question #1

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1. We spoke about Plain English writing in class. Please answer the following in detail: 

  1. How would you explain to someone what “Plain English writing” is? (4 Marks)

If I were to explain to someone what plain English writing is, I would describe it as:

  • Clear and Concise: One way in which I would explain “Plain English Writing” to someone is that I would explain how it is clear and concise. One important aspect of plain English writing is that it is supposed to be clear and concise. Plain English Writing isn’t “dumbing something down”; it is writing in a plain language that will allow readers to better find what they are looking for and better understand what exactly it is that they are reading.
  • Helps Organize Information Logically: In addition to explaining how Plain English Writing is clear and concise, I would also explain how Plain English Writing is also used as a great way to effectively organize information in a logical manner that will allow readers to more easily process the information that they are reading. This is important because it helps you to ensure that everything is written in the right order, which can then help to prevent confusion for whoever the reader may be.
  • It Can Only Be Done If You Understand Your Audience: Something else that I would explain to someone about Plain English Writing is that it can only be done if you understand your audience. Something important to understand about Plain English Writing is that it can only be done if you understand your audience. When you understand your audience, you can use Plain English Writing to express what it is you want to convey to your audience in the least amount of words as possible.
  • Its Designed for Reading One last thing that I would explain to someone about Plain English Writing is that I would explain to them how important it is that your writing is designed for reading. When using Plain English Writing, it should be written using patterns that will allow people to more easily read what you are trying to convey to your audience. One such popular pattern that you can use when using Plain English Writing is the F-Pattern, especially since people don’t read anymore; they read instead.
  • What makes plain English writing different? (4 Marks)

Some things that make Plain English Writing Different are:

  • It’s Personal: One thing that is different about Plain English Writing is that it’s personal. Since Plain English Writing can only be done if you understand your audience, it is more personal to your audience since you are arranging and creating your content to apply to personal experiences and cultural experiences as well.[i] Another reason for this is that it allows you to organize your content in a way that truly resonates with your audience and build connections with them as well.
  • Simple to Read: Another thing that makes Plain English Writing different is that it is simple to read. Instead of Plain English Writing using too many unnecessary words or information, Plain English Writing uses the least amount of words to more effectively convey the message that you are trying to send to your audience. Furthermore, as discussed in class, one of the reasons people need Plain Language Writing is because people do not always read carefully or have many different varying levels of literacy.[ii] Due to this, Plain English Writing is meant to be simple and concise, to better ensure that everyone will be able to understand what it is that they are reading.
  • Writes For Action: One other thing that makes Plain English Writing different is that it is written to prompt someone to take an action. It’s important that Plain English Writing should be written in a way that clearly and concisely explains the actions that someone would need to take to ensure that it is done correctly. You can use Plain English Writing to write for action by using positive verbs and incorporating positive messages within your content.[iii]
  • Written As Short As Possible: One last thing that makes Plain English Writing different is that it is written as short as possible. As previously said, Plain English Writing doesn’t use unnecessary words or information and instead focuses on conveying the most important information in the smallest number of words. This is done when you use short and simple words as well as straightforward sentences.[iv]
  • What is plain language writing for the web and in detail and in your own words, why is it important? (4 Marks) 

Plain English Writing for the Web is:

  • Helps You Find What You Need: When it comes to Plain Language for the web, it helps readers to more effectively find what they need. This is important because if someone lands on your site and has a hard time finding what they are looking for, then there is a greater chance that they will choose to leave instead. Plain Language Writing allows readers to better process the information in front of them because it is laid out in a way that is both simple and straightforward.
  • Helps You Understand What You Found: While Plain Language can also help you to find what you need, it also helps you to understand what it is that you found. As previously discussed above, while readers will probably feel more inclined to leave your website if they find the layout of your content too confusing, they may also feel more inclined to leave if they also can’t understand the content on your website, but when you use Plain English Writing, this helps to better decrease the chances of something like this happening because when Plain English Writing is used effectively, it will allow reader to better read, process, and understand the information that they are reading.
  • Helps to More Effectively Arrange Your Content: Another thing about Plain Language Writing for the web is that it helps you to properly arrange your content in the right order. Ensuring that the content on your website is properly arranged is important because it helps to not only keep your content organized but also better prevents confusion for your readers as well. Furthermore, it is also important because it will help to keep a consistent structure for your website.
  • It’s Simple and Straightforward: One last thing about Plain Language Writing for the web is that it is simple and straightforward. This is important because it allow you to provide your audience with the most important and relevant information that your website is offering to them.

[i] Briscoe, Plain Language Writing, February 26, 2025

[ii] Briscoe, Plain Language Writing, February 26, 2025

[iii] Briscoe, Plain Language Writing, February 26, 2025

[iv] Briscoe, Plain Language Writing, February 26, 2025

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