Book Adornments Blog

Question #3

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  • For question #2, explain how your new post successfully addresses the three main objectives of Plain English writing as discussed in class. Provide a detailed breakdown of each objective. (9 Marks)
  1. Describe one specific technique you used to improve readability in your revised version and explain why it is effective. (4 Marks)

The specific technique that I used to improve my Readability is that I better used the F-Pattern. I believe using this technique was effective in improving the readability of my revised version because:

  • Simple and straightforward: One reason why I believe using the F-Pattern was effective in improving the readability of my revised version of the introduction for my website is because it helped to make my introduction both simpler and more straightforward. Instead of using too many unnecessary words and sentences. I decided to reduce the amount of information in my introduction and instead chose to use information that was most relevant to my business, which I believe will help my audience have a better understanding of the information they are reading and the message that is trying to be conveyed in my introduction.
  • More Organized Arrangement: Another reason why I believe using the F-Pattern in my introduction will be more effective is because it helps to better organize my introduction in regard to how it is arranged. The revised version of my introduction uses fewer paragraphs and more bullet points, which will allow for readers to better scan what they are looking at and also better process it.
  • Keeps it Concise: One other reason why using the F-Patter will be effective is because it helps to better ensure that all the information is concise. There are no extra unnecessary words, and it also helps to make sure that all the information in my introduction is clear and easy to understand, while at the same time effectively conveying the message in the most effective way using the least amount of words possible.
  • Uses Plain Language Writing: Another important reason why using the F-Pattern will be effective is because it uses plain language writing. My revised introduction is that it is written using the F-Pattern to make it more readable and also to ensure that it isn’t too complex or confusing for the people reading it.
  • What was the most challenging aspect of applying the F-Pattern and Plain English writing principles? How did you overcome it? (5 Marks)

The most challenging aspect of applying the F-Pattern and Plain Language Writing Principles were:

  • Avoiding Using Too Much Information: One thing that I found challenging about applying the F-Pattern and Plain English Writing is that I had a hard time not using too much information. I found as I was writing my revised version for my introduction that at first I was using too many words and subconsciously adding too much unnecessary information. I also found this to be challenging because although I was making sure to incorporate the most important and key information, it sometimes felt like I wasn’t adding enough. I overcame this by going back and rereading my introduction to make sure that the information in my introduction was the most relevant information of what my business is about and removing any unnecessary parts, such as paragraphs that I felt weren’t needed.
  • The Structure Another aspect of applying the F-Pattern and Plain Language Writing principles is that I had a hard time structuring my writing. When using the F-Pattern and Plain Language Writing, I had a hard time deciding in what order I wanted to structure my information, especially since I found much of the information to be relevant. I overcame this challenge by analyzing my entire introduction and breaking it down into different sections, with he most important sections coming first and the least important ones coming last.
  • Being Specific and Concise: Another aspect of applying the F-Pattern and Plain Language was making sure that my writing was specific, straightforward and concise. I found that using the F-Pattern and Plain Language Writing made it difficult to keep my writing more specific and concise. Since I had to make sure that my information was concise, I had a little difficulty not adding to much or too little. I overcame this challenge by prioritizing the most important information and making sure that I didn’t sacrifice any key information about my business.
  • Making It Personal: One other aspect of applying the F-Pattern and Plain Language Writing is by making my writing personal. I found this to be a little difficult because I understand that I needed to include information that would truly resonate with my audience and that it would be as authentic as possible. I overcame this challenge by better evaluating my audience and the type of information that they would be looking for.
  • Keeping It Simple: One last aspect I of applying the F-Pattern and Plain Language Writing is that I had a difficult time keeping my information simple. I felt that when creating the revised version for my websites introduction that I was not being very simple with my writing. What I mean by this is that I was writing it in too detailed of manner. I overcame this problem by only using key information that I believe my audience will find most interesting and relevant to themselves.

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