Book Adornments Blog

Part B – Question 3

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For the purpose of this question, we are going to view your first blog post (Part “B” Question #1) as an introductory online campaign. Please answer the following questions: What is your intended goal and why? (3 marks)

a. What is your intended goal and why? (3 marks)

The intended goal of my business Book Adornments is to build a community of people who share a passion in reading and who are looking for ways to better enhance their experience while reading and to feel inspired to pursue their passions through its products.. The reason why this is an intended goal for my business is because it would not only allow Book Adornments to expand its reach, but also build an audience base for itself.

b. Who are you writing for and why? (3 marks)

I am writing for female individuals who are between the ages of 18-30, who are passionate book lovers, who value self-expression and creativity. I am writing for this type of audience because this is the audience that holds the most interest in the products that my businesses provides and is also the audience that can be reached through all the mediums that I have chosen to best communicate and connect with them.

c. What type of “Experience” will you be creating for the visitors? Please explain and justify your reasoning. (2 marks

The type of reasoning that I will be creating for visitors will be a positive experience, that is intended to leave visitors with a memorable and impressionable image of Book Adornments. I believe this is the type of experience that I will be creating for visitors because I’m not only trying to sell the products of my business, instead, I am focusing more on building a loyal customer base and working hard towards presenting visitors with that they will find to be both relevant and valuable to them.