Book Adornments Blog

Part B – Question 4

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  1. Now you are going to apply what you have learned in class. As per the class discussion, please provide me with three different headlines for the story (article in Question #3) and outline your reasoning(s) and explanation for each. Please ensure you base your answer on the different elements of headlines we spoke about in class. Please go into detail for each. (12 Marks)

Headline #1: Windsor Police Have Been Having Quite a Bit of Visits to This Downtown Neighbourhood

  • It Aligns With the Content In the Story:  One reason why I came up with this headline is that it aligns with the content that is found in the article. The article in question 3 talks about how the Windsor Police has been making a lot of arrests in a neighbourhood located in Downtown Windsor. This headline outlines the most important point of this article, which is that the Windsor Police has been making more arrests in that neighbourhood. Since this headline outlines the main point of the article and it aligns with the content of the article, it can also help to build trust with the reader because this headline isn’t misleading.
  • It Hints at Something Interesting: A second reason why I believe that this would be an effective headline for the story (article) in question #3 is because it is hinting at something interesting. Most people would like to stay updated on important news within their city, especially if it is a city where there is a rise in crime. This headline is giving people a hint about something important that is happening in the city. Someone who lives near or even within this neighbourhood would find this headline to be of interest because it relates to them and could potentially affect them as well. Overall, this is another reason why I believe that this would be an effective headline for the story in question #3.
  • Uses Curiosity: As discussed in class, a third reason why I believe that this would be an effective headline for the article in question #3 is because it uses curiosity. When reading. Looking at this headline, you would probably be curious about what neighbourhood in Windsor is it talking about. What’s its name? How is the Windsor Police dealing with this situation? All of these are questions that someone might have when they see a headline like this. 

Headline #2: A Rise in Crime Has Been Noticed in This Downtown Neighbourhood

  • Is Emotional: I believe that this headline I came up with for the article in question #3 would be an effective headline because it is emotional. For example, this headline that I came up with in particular could evoke a sense of fear because it talks about a rise in crime. Someone might feel more inclined to click on this link because they would want to know the name of the neighbourhood in the city that could potentially pose a risk to their safety.
  • Not Too Long: Another reason why I believe that this headline I came up with for the article in question #3 is because it’s not too long. I made sure to not to make this headline too much length because doing so would allow the people reading it to have an easier processing it and what it is trying to say. More specifically, I made sure that the first few words were “ A Rise in Crime” because they would have a greater chance of attracting attention and interest, especially since anything involving crimes is usually associated with something negative. Overall, this is another reason why I believe this headline would be affective for the story in question #3. 
  • Straight to the Point: One other reason why I believe this headline would be effective for the story in question #3 is because its straight to the point. This headline doesn’t really leave room for ambiguity and from just reading it you can have a clear understanding or somewhat of an understanding of what the story that this headline is representing is about.

Headline #3: More Arrests Made – How the Windsor Police is Working Towards Making Glengarry a Safer Neighbourhood

  • Promises Something: I believe this headline would be effective for the article in question #3 because it promises something. I found this to be an important element when creating this headline because, as discussed in class, people are generally more inclined to take an interest in an article or even want to click on it because they believe that it can bring something of benefit to them. Overall, this is another reason why I believe this headline would be effective for the article in question #3.    
  • Is Specific: In addition to this headline, I created something promising and of value; it is also specific. I believe that this headline is specific because it emphasizes the main point of the article that it is representing, which is ways in which the Windsor Police is trying to make the Glengarry neighbourhood a safer place.     

It’s Simple: Another reason I believe this headline would be effective for the article in question #3 is that it is simple. Although this headline is simple, it is not too generic. It’s able to grab the reader’s attention, but at the same time, it isn’t too complex, which can be considered a good thing because it will help in making it easier for the reader to process it.  

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