Book Adornments Blog

Part B – Question 5

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  1. Create a headline for an article about the SCC Advertising Program targeted to local graduating high school students. I am specifically not telling you what to do or the questions that need to be asked. Please provide the following:
  1. Provide the headline

The Top Advertising Program in the Country – 10 Great Career Opportunities of the St. Clair College Advertising Program

  • Provide an overview of the elements missing in the instructions required for this task. 

Some of the elements missing in the instructions required for this task are:

  • The Objective: One element that is missing in the instructions required for this task is the objective. Although I know that this headline is targeted towards local graduating high school students, I don’t know what exactly I am targeting them for. Am I trying to get them to attend the open house? Do I want them to just learn more about what the program is about? If I had an understanding of what the objective of this headline is and if the instructions were more specific then I would be able to create a better headline that aligns with that objective.
  • The Purpose: Another element that is missing in the instructions required for this task is the purpose. What is the main goal, and why exactly am I creating this headline? If I had an understanding of what the purpose is for this headline, then I would have been able to better tailor the headline that I provided above in a more effective way.
  • The Platform: One other element that is missing in the instructions that is required for making the headline that you asked for is the platform. In your instructions, you didn’t specify the platform that I should be creating this headline for, so I wasn’t able to tailor the headline I created for a specific platform because that wasn’t specified in the instructions.
  • Explain the headline you created, why, and any other reasons/justifications you need to provide to me for the headline you created. (6 Marks)

I created this headline to convince local graduating high school students to learn more about St. Clair Colleges Advertising Program and to learn more about its Advertising Program and the many opportunities that it offers. Some other reasons why I created this headline is because:

  • Not to Detailed: One reason why I chose this headline is because it’s not to interesting. I specifically made this headline to not be too detailed because I want to evoke a sense of curiosity. While this headline is specific it also hints at something important, such as the career opportunities that can come with joining the St. Clair College Advertising Program.
  • Offers Something of Benefit: Another reason why I believe this would be a good headline is because it offers something of benefit. While coming up with this headline I though about what I was looking for when choosing a program to pursue in college and one big thing that came to mind was the possible career opportunities that each program offers, which is why I talked about the career opportunities that St. Clair College Advertising program offers.
  • It’s Relevant: This headline I created is relevant. Although I was not given instructions on the main purpose of the headline you instructed to be created, I do believe this headline that I cam up with to be relevant to local graduating high school students. I believe this because it talks about St. Clairs advertising program and its career opportunities, two such things that many local graduating high school students would find of relevance, especially since they would mostly likely be thinking about the type of career they would want to pursue.
  • It’s Positive: This headline that I cam up with is positive, which is another reason why I created it. I believe this is a good thing because its associating something positive with St. Clairs Advertising Program. In this case the positive thing that is being told in this headline is the great career opportunities.
  • Uses Numbers: This headline also uses numbers. As discussed in class, including numbers in headlines is a good element to include in headlines because it helps readers have a better understanding of what they can expect and because they can help readers to determine whether or not they want to look further.

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