Book Adornments Blog

Part B – Question 6

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  1. You are to create a headline about the 2nd year digital classes in this program. The audience will be 1st year students. Please provide the headline and your reasoning behind it. (4 Marks)

Headline: 2nd Year St. Clair College Advertising Students Talk Their 3 Favourite Digital Courses

I believe this headline I created would be good headline to target 1st year students because:

  • It’s Relevant: 1st year students will probably find this headline to be relevant to themselves because its hints about the digital course that they will be taking in their second year of the advertising program. They would probably be more inclined to click on this headline because it’s talking about something that will affect them in the future.
  • It’s interesting: While some people may not find this headline to be interesting, 1st students that are already in the advertising program will probably find this headline to be interesting to them because this headline is suggesting to them that they will get to learn more about the future courses that will be taking, but not only that, they will also get to learn more about their future digital classes from students that are already taking them.
  • It’s Specific: This headline is specific. The point of this headline is to draw the attention of 1st year students. From looking at this headline, 1st year students will be able to get a clear understanding of what the story behind this headline will be representing. It is clear and straight to the point and will allow 1st year students to have a clear understanding of what they can expect from this headline.
  • Promises Something: This headline promises something. 1st-year students can assume that by clicking on this headline, they will be able to learn more information about their future digital classes and that they will be receiving valuable information about the experiences that 2nd-year students have had in their digital courses.

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